How To Get Free Stuff As A Blogger


I get asked this a lot and figured it was time for a post. You always see people saying they got this or that for review from such and such company, but you often wonder how. I started blogging a little over a year ago and I tried jumping into this free stuff pool. I wanted to do great PR’s and have an awesome reader base (BTW I love my readers!), but I knew I was going to have to fork out some money in order to do that, which at the time, I didn’t have. Before you even wonder, I did have to spend money in order to write a lot of my first posts. Not every item I review is sent to me courtesy of a company, but now I have established a nice little space on the internet to have the honor.

Here’s why companies do this:

The internet is the way of the future. Plain and simple, and (smart) companies know this. Show of hands of how many of us have spent mindless hours looking at pretty things to buy or even just watching parrots ‘sing’ dubstep on YouTube.

So, still wondering how you can get in the free stuff club?

If you’re just starting out as a vlogger or blogger, establish yourself by doing reviews of items you already buy from day to day. This will help get your foot in the door.

Make friends with other bloggers. The support of others is a crucial step in trying to get a fan base down. I have made so many friends from ALL OVER the world. And hey, if anything I will be your friend! 🙂

Once you feel confident that you have established yourself a bit, bust in the door by sending emails to companies asking for samples or the possibility of a partnership. You won’t get every single one you ‘apply’ for, but sooner or later it will happen.

Here’s something not to many people know about. There are websites specifically created to help companies and the internet community connect! Sign up for these sites and start applying and in no time you will finally be in the free stuff club. I’ll leave at list at the bottom of this post.

There are guide lines to all this though. A lot of companies have instructions on what they want you to do to present their item to the internet world. Some my need a specific number of followers or page views, others may require you to do only video unboxings or reviews. They usually send you these when they ask for shipment info to send things to you. Usually if you don’t follow these, you get a bad rep. I don’t know about you, but I like to be known for the good things, not the rotten.

Don’t forget to follow me on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and BlogLovin’!


Free Items for Product Review Websites

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